Friday 19 June 2015

Apple Watch release date & UK price: released 24 April, priced from £299, Edition from £8,000 PART-5

Jony Ive and Apple Watch

In a New Yorker profile Jonathan Ive states that it is obvious that wearables should take the form of a gadget worn on the wrist, instead of on the face.
He said the face is “the wrong place” and that the wrist is “the obvious and right place” for a wearable computer. “We always thought that glasses were not a smart move, from a point of view that people would not really want to wear them,” Cook explained in the interview. His reasoning, glasses are intrusive, Apple believes technology should be pushed to the background.
However, the New Yorker profile of Ive suggests that the Apple Watch could be Ive's last project. According to the report Ive was so burned out by his workload last year that he caught pneumonia. Another reason for the speculation is that other designers are being profiled alongside Ive as involved in the project, such as Marc Newson, who is a known contributor to the project.
Apple's late CEO Steve Jobs’ widow also suggested that Apple may be considering “a slightly different structure that’s a little more sustainable and sustaining” for Ive, suggesting that there can be a toll on such work.
Jony Ive also spoke about the Apple Watch during a Financial Times interview published on 8 March, revealing that Apple war required to invent a stronger kind of gold for the Apple Watch Edition. According to Ive, Apple created a process that brings gold molecules closer together to make it harder than ordinary gold. The consequence of this is thatloads more gold could be required. No wonder it might cost $10,000.