Monday 21 September 2015

Exploit traders offer $1 million for a way to hack iOS 9

With millions of iPhones upgrading to iOS in recent days, security researchers are paying unprecedented sums for flaws in the new operating system. An exploit trader named Zerodium has announced a million-dollar bounty for any new flaws in iOS 9, allowing an attacker to compromise a non-jailbroken device through a web page, in-app browsing action, or text message. Because software downloads are tightly managed through the App Store, such flaws are particularly difficult to execute on iOS devices. But as the recent Xcode compromise demonstrates, the app store's protections can still be circumvented.

Researchers looking to claim the bounty will face an uphill battle, in part because of the strict time limit. To qualify, Zerodium requires a full chain of undisclosed exploits circumventing every aspect of Apple's exploit mitigation measures, and executed remotely, silently and entirely through a browser or text. As such, vulnerabilities like the recent Bluetooth attack would not qualify.
There's also a strict time limit: Zerodium is requiring all entries to be submitted by October 31st. That gives any researcher without an iOS developer credential less than two months to develop and deploy a proof of concept for the exploit, making it likely that the allotted period will pass without anyone successfully claiming the bounty. Still, the price tag alone will be enough to entice many researchers to try. It's the highest publicly reported price for a single exploit, and even though such trades are often secret, it appears to be well above the market rate. In 2013, an exploit trader reportedly commanded $500,000 for an undisclosed exploit in an earlier version of iOS.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Vitamin D deficiency can make you very sick, know all about the compound

Vitamin D deficiency can cause serious health complicationsVitamin D deficiency can cause serious health complications
The deficiency of Vitamin D can lead to serious health complications. If you mostly stay indoors, get your Vitamin D levels checked, for you might be prone to Diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and even cancer.
What is Vitamin D
Vitamin D is not just a vitamin, it is also a hormone
Vitamn D increases activation in more than 2000 genes. This allows the body to fight diseases.
How Vitamin D deficiency can make you sick
Vitamin D deficiency can cause diseases like cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, obesity and heart disease.

The sad reality
More than 9 out of 10 people worldwide are not getting enough Vitamin D.
…and the misconceptions
Contrary to the popular belief, spending 10 minutes in the sun is not enough to get all the Vitamin D you require. You need to stay in the sun for 3 hours if you are standing up in a short sleeve shirt, 20 minutes if lying down in a bathing suit.
How do you know you are Vitamin D deficient
Self test for Vitamin D deficiency: Just press hard on each of your shin bones and then on your sternum – the bone in your chest between your lowest ribs.
Sore bones are an indication that you are probably very deficient.
heart diseases, vitamin d
How much Vitamin D do you need?
4000 iu daily is necessary to bring the average adult up to 40 nanograms and maintain this healthy level.
What too much Vitamin D does to you?
The main symptoms of vitamin D overdose are anorexia, nausea, vomiting, polydipsia, weakness, insomnia, nervousness, pruritus, and, ultimately, renal failure.

Wednesday 26 August 2015



For the mutton:

  • 1/4 cup red capsicum powder
  • 1 tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon packed dark brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon  salt
  • 2 teaspoons chilli pepper
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 5 pounds flanken cut beef short ribs

    barbecue sauce:

  • 1 tablespoon vegetable/sunflower oil
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped  onion
  • 3 medium garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 1 1/2 cups ketchup
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3 tablespoons apple vinegar
  • 3 (tablespoons distilled white vinegar, molases, water, sugar, onions, anchovies, salt, garlic, cloves, tamarind extract, natural flavorings, chili pepper) mix 
  • 2  paprikaoregano,saltgarlic mix
  • 3/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

    1. Look for flanken-cut beef short ribs—they’re sliced through the bones, revealing four or five oval-shaped cross-sections. You’ll need ribs that are 2 to 2 1/2 inches thick and 5 to 7 inches long. But don’t worry if you can’t find that exact size or cut: Though their shape is not ideal for grilling, English-cut short ribs (sliced parallel to the rib) can also be used in this recipe. Just monitor the cooking time in step 3—if your ribs are thinner than 2 inches, check them for doneness after about 1 1/2 hours; if they’re thicker than 2 1/2 inches, check them after 2 hours.

  •  You can make the ribs through step 3 up to 2 days in advance. After roasting, transfer them to a large, shallow container, set aside to cool for about 1 hour, then cover and refrigerate. When you’re ready to grill, remove the ribs from the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature before grilling, about 1 hour.
    The barbecue sauce can be made ahead and stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Let it come to room temperature before using.

For the mutton(ribs):

    1. 1Place all of the ingredients except the ribs in a medium bowl and stir to combine. Place the ribs in  baking dish and arrange them in an even layer. Evenly rub the spice mixture on all sides of the ribs and cover the dish with aluminum foil. (At this point, you can roast the ribs immediately, but for the best flavor and texture, refrigerate them for up to 24 hours.)
    2. 2Heat the oven to 350°F and arrange a rack in the middle. (If you rubbed the ribs in advance, remove them from the refrigerator and set aside at room temperature while the oven is heating, at least 20 minutes.)
    3. 3Place the ribs in the oven and roast until fork-tender, about 2 hours. Meanwhile, make the sauce.

    For the barbecue sauce:

    1. 1Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat until shimmering. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 3 minutes.
    2. 2Add the remaining ingredients, whisk to combine, and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to low and continue to simmer, whisking occasionally, until the flavors have melded and the sauce has reduced to about 2 1/2 cups, about 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside until ready to grill the ribs.
    3. To grill the ribs:

    4. 1. Heat a gas or charcoal grill to medium (about 350°F to 450°F)

    5. 2.Place the ribs on the grill and brush them with some of the sauce. Cover the grill and cook until grill marks appear on the bottom of the ribs, about 5 minutes. Turn the ribs, brush with sauce, cover, and cook another 5 minutes. Flip and brush every 5 minutes until the sauce has thickened and formed a glaze and the ribs are heated through, about 20 minutes total. Transfer the remaining sauce to a serving bowl and serve with the ribs.

    6. Total Time: 3 hrs 10 mins, plus up to 24 hrs marinating time

    7. Makes: 4 to 6 servings

Windows 10 is now installed on 75 million PCs after just four weeks

Microsoft released Windows 10 four weeks ago today, and now the company is providing a fresh update on its upgrade figures. 14 million machines had been upgraded to Windows 10 within 24 hours of the operating system release last month, and that figure has now risen to more than 75 million in just four weeks. Microsoft has been rolling out Windows 10 in waves, as a free upgrade for Windows 8 and Windows 7 users. While it's difficult to compare exact figures between Windows 10 and Windows 8, Microsoft "sold" 40 million licenses of Windows 8 a month after its debut. It took Microsoft six months to get to 100 million licenses of Windows 8, and it's clear the free aspect of Windows 10 is obviously driving higher adoption rates.

Microsoft's Windows marketing chief Yusuf Mehdi revealed the figure today, alongside some more interesting statistics about Windows 10. More than 90,000 unique PCs or tablet models have been upgraded to Windows 10 in 192 countries. That's nearly every country on the planet. Xbox One owners have streamed nearly 122 years of gameplay to Windows 10 PCs. More importantly, Mehdi revealed that the Windows Store for Windows 10 has seen six times more downloads per device than Windows 8. That's an encouraging start to Microsoft's universal apps goal.
While Microsoft has been rolling out Windows 10 in waves, there are ways to avoid the wait. There's even methods to clean install Windows 10 if you want to remove the cruft of your previous version of Windows and wipe out the upgrade. If you haven't upgraded to Windows 10 yet, you can read our review here to get a closer look at Microsoft's latest operating system.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Nokia all geared up for mobile comeback

 Nokia is hiring software experts, testing new products and seeking sales partners as it plots its return to the mobile phone and consumer tech arena it abandoned with the sale of its handset business.
Once the world's biggest maker of mobile phones, the Finnish firm was wrong footed by the rise of smartphones and eclipsed by Apple and Samsung. It sold its handset business to Microsoft in late 2013 and has since focused squarely on making telecoms network equipment.
Now Nokia boss Rajeev Suri is planning a comeback. He must wait until late 2016 before he can consider re-entering the handset business - after a non-compete deal with Microsoft expires - but preparations are underway.
The company has already dipped its toe into the consumer market; it has launched an Android tablet, the N1, which went on sale in January in China and days ago unveiled a "virtual-reality camera" - heralding it as the "rebirth of Nokia".
It has also launched an Android app called Z Launcher, which organises content on smartphones.
Meanwhile its technologies division has advertised on LinkedIn dozens of jobs in California, many in product development, including Android engineers specialising in the operating software Nokia mobile devices will use.

Nokia had also planned to lay off about 70 people at the division, according to a May announcement, but a company source told Reuters that the figure had since been halved.

Patent trove
Nokia itself is not giving much away about its preparations, beyond saying some staff at the 600-strong technologies division are working on designs for new consumer products, including phones, as well as in digital video and health.
But it will not be easy to claw its way back to relevance in the fast-changing, competitive mobile business where Apple has been scooping up nearly 90 percent of industry profits, nor for it to carve out a place in electronics.
One ace Nokia that holds is ownership of one of the mobile industry's biggest troves of intellectual property, including patents it retained after selling its handset business. It does not want to waste such resources, built up with tens of billions of euros of investment over the past two decades.
It will also get an injection of talent when it completes the 15.6-billion-euro ($17 billion) acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent, announced in April, in the form of Bell Labs - a US research centre whose scientists have won eight Nobel prizes.
It says it will not repeat the mistakes of the past of missing technology trends, being saddled with high costs, and reacting too slowly to changing consumer tastes.
To blunt such risks, it is seeking partners for "brand-licensing" deals whereby Nokia will design new phones, bearing its brand, but - in exchange for royalties - will then allow other firms to mass-manufacture, market and sell the devices.
This is stark contrast to its previous handset business which in its heyday manufactured more phones than any other company in the world and employed tens of thousands.
Suri said last month that Nokia aimed to re-enter the mobile phone business, but only through such licensing agreements. It will not fall back on the "traditional" methods, said the CEO, who took the helm last May and has turned it into a slimmed down, more profitable company. He sold off its mapping business a week ago.
Such brand-licensing deals - as Nokia has struck for the N1 tablet - are less profitable than manufacturing and selling its own products, but also less risky. They can add a tidy sum of revenue for little investment for the company, which generates the bulk of income from selling telecoms network equipment to operators like Vodafone and T-Mobile.
"They want to be innovative and seen as a company with long-term vision in the (tech) industry and having a foot in devices plays into this impression, even if it's not bringing massive revenue at the outset," said Gartner analyst Sylvain Fabre.
Brand-licensing models are not new in the industry; European companies like Philips and Alcatel have made money from consumer electronics by licensing out their brand after capitulating to Asian competitors more than a decade ago.
But given the crop of newcomers like China's Xiaomi and India's Micromax, it may not be possible for Nokia to reproduce even the minor successes that Philips and Alcatel were able to achieve by renting out their brand.
With advances in contract manufacturing and standardisation of software, components and features like touch-screens, it is also easier than ever for companies to outsource everything to produce look alike phones.
"We only see this competitive pressure intensifying in coming years," said CCS Insight mobile analyst Ben Wood. "Barriers to entry in the handset market are lower than ever and almost anyone can enter the smartphone market.
The strength of the Nokia brand - crucial to the success of such licensing deals - is also open to debate.
The company says its brand is recognised by four billion people. But, after being consistently ranked as one of the world's top-five brands in the decade up to 2009 according to market researcher Interbrand, it has since nose-dived and now looks set to disappear from top 100 lists.
"A brand is quickly forgotten if it is absent from the consumer business," said former Nokia executive Anssi Vanjoki, a professor at Finland's Lappeenranta University of Technology.
"The brand will not help much if the product is similar to what is already being sold out there. But if there is something new and interesting to it, the old heritage may be helpful."

Friday 14 August 2015

Google will take another shot at low-cost Android One initiative

Executive says new Android One plans will be announced soon

Google is about to take another crack at its ultra-low-cost smartphone initiative, called Android One. The company's managing director in Southeast Asia, Rajan Anandan, says that a new plan for Android One will be unveiled in "the next few weeks." Few details are available, but Anandan adds in an interview with The Financial Times that part of the plans will be a push to hit the "sweet spot" of $50 smartphones.
Android One launched with the goal of standardizing low-cost smartphones for emerging markets and ensuring that all users were on the latest versions of Android. Google doesn't make any of the hardware, but it provides a set of standards that guarantees that devices under the program will be solid.
Google also saw Android One as a way of ensuring that it controlled (and could profit from) the spread of Android in emerging markets. It was a direct counter to low-cost manufacturers in China who use "forked" versions of Android that don't have Google's services built in. The hope was that the Android One brand could build consumer confidence and help steer millions in emerging markets towards pure Android devices that plugged into Google's services and ad network.

After launching alongside a major marketing push last year, the project has largely been a disappointment. Despite Google's lofty goals of using Android One to get "the next billion" smartphone users, it's estimated that fewer than a million of the devices have been sold in India, the initiative's most important market.
The project has spread to over seven countries,including Turkey, but it has faced a number of difficulties. The lesser-known, local hardware makers that Google partnered with for Android One have been disappointed with sales, and don't appear to be putting much effort into Android One. Part of the issue is that manufacturers working on the slimmest of margins can't differentiate, especially when Android One mandates that they must use an unadulterated version of Android. The devices have also been pretty expensive, with many just under the $200 mark.

Google's Anandan admitted to The Financial Times that Android One has "not delivered to expectations," but he maintained that the company is "very committed" to the initiative. Other than targeting the $50 smartphone price point, Anandan says that Google is working on new apps and services designed to specifically cater to the Indian market. The services should build on the company's existing efforts to make its products more friendly for low-bandwidth environments, like offline YouTube and Google Maps, as well as faster-loading search pages.
Going off of Anadan's remarks, the search company will likely have even more to announce in a few weeks. This isn't the first time Google's hardware efforts have faltered — we'll have to wait and see if a reborn Android One can crack the emerging market puzzle.

Sunday 9 August 2015

FBI says researcher may have adjusted airplane controls from in-flight entertainment system

The researcher disagrees with much of the affidavit

A security researcher told the FBI in February he was able to commandeer a plane's control system mid-flight, 
according to a warrant application filed last month. The researcher, Chris Roberts, was banned from all United Airlines flights in April after tweeting a joke about exploiting flight control vulnerabilities while on a plane, Wiredreports. After the plane landed in Syracuse, New York, FBI agents escorted Roberts off the flight and confiscated several of his electronics, including a MacBook Pro and several thumb drives. According to Wired, they told Roberts a warrant to search the devices was pending, and they filed a warrant application two days later. A Canadian media outlet published the application yesterday.

Roberts had previously met with the FBI in February of this year to discuss vulnerabilities with In Flight Entertainment (IFE) systems. He reportedly told agents that he was able to exploit these vulnerabilities 15 to 20 times from 2011 to 2014. Roberts claimed it was possible for him to gain physical access to the IFE system through the Seat Electronic Box (SEB) located under seats containing video monitors, according to the FBI affidavit. Roberts was able to connect his laptop to the IFE system, allowing him to overwrite code on the aircraft's Thrust Management Computer and issue flight commands from his seat.


Not unexpectedly, there are some discrepancies between the FBI's version of things and Roberts' own story. The warrant application suggests Roberts said he issued the CLB or "climb command" while on a flight, causing one of the engines to climb and "resulting in a lateral or sideways movement" of the aircraft. But Roberts told Wired that while he was able to hack into the IFE system, he never commandeered the flight. He says he has caused a plane to climb during flight, but only during a simulated test. On Twitter, Roberts claims much of the affidavit takes things he said out of context
"I’m obviously concerned those [conversations] were held behind closed doors and apparently they’re no longer behind closed doors," Roberts told Wired.
When FBI agents searched the plane after the flight, they found SEBs under two of the aircraft's seats "showed signs of tampering," according to the warrant application. But when Wired asked Roberts if he had connected his laptop to the SEBs on that flight, he reportedly said, "Nope I did not. That I’m happy to say and I’ll stand from the top of the tallest tower and yell that one."
"We believed that Roberts had the ability and the willingness to use the equipment then with him to access or attempt to access the IFE and possibly the flight control systems on any aircraft equipped with an IFE system, and that it would endanger public safety," the affidavit reads.
Roberts helped found the company One World Labs, and told Wired yesterday that several investors had already withdrawn funding as a result of the incident. Roberts has not yet been charged with a crime.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Smartphones can detect eye cancer

You might have heard of this trick before, but take note — it’s literally a lifesaver. Retinoblastoma is a rare type of aggressive eye cancer that almost exclusively affects young children. It develops as a tumor in the retina but can be diagnosed with just a smartphone. Children who have the disease often have a white glow around their pupils that shows up when photographed with a flash — and it's this fact that recently saved the life of Julie Fitzgerald's two-year-old son, Avery.

"I just had this gut feeling in my stomach that something was wrong with his eye," Fitzgerald 
told ABC News. She'd seen odd spots in Avery's eyes in photos, but after reading a viral story about an identical diagnosis, she took her son to the doctor who confirmed the presence of cancer. Avery unfortunately lost his eye to the disease but no more than that. "It turned out to be our worst nightmare but it saved our son's life," Fitzgerald says.

Spotting a white flash in a child's pupil isn't a definitive diagnosis of retinoblastoma, but it's always worth following up, say doctors. "It's much better to do an exam that has negative findings than to pass up an exam and not have it looked at," Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist Michael W. Stewart told USA Today. "When caught early [retinoblastoma is] very treatable. Current technology and chemotherapies can save the baby's life and vision."

As a diagnostic tool, smartphone cameras are so effective that the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust (CHECT) even ran an ad campaign last year centered on the trick. They put up posters of children's eyes that flashed white when photographed thanks to the use of reflective ink. If you want to know more then CHECT has a good online guide about how to spot the white glow as well as other symptoms of retinoblastoma.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Windows 10 is coming to the Xbox One in November

Microsoft first revealed its 
redesigned Xbox One dashboard back at E3 earlier this year, and now the company is announcing that it will arrive on consoles in November. Powered by Windows 10, the new dashboard includes features that focus on speed and performance, and a design that's a lot more simplified.

One of the key new features in the Xbox One dashboard update is Cortana integration. You can say "Hey Cortana, record the last minute and share it to my activity feed" and it will publish a game clip straight away. Likewise, "Hey Cortana, start a party and invite Amanda" will invite a friend into a voice chat all without having to lift your fingers from your controller. 
Cortana will require the Kinect sensor for audio controls.

Wednesday 29 July 2015


Win 7 Ultimate = Win 10 pro
Win 7 starter OR home = Win 10 home
Win 7 enterprise = Win 10 enterprise
Win 8.1 Pro = Win 10 Pro
32x ver = 32x
64x ver = 64x

Monday 27 July 2015


Windows 10 will be available July 29 2015 in 190 markets globally as a free upgrade to customers running Windows 7 and Windows 8.1

                                           1 DAY TO GO
                                   ( 24 HOURS
                                    86400 SECS)

5 Things Windows 10 Can Do That Apple’s OS X Can’t

Microsoft’s Windows 10 is nearly upon us, and from what we’ve seen so far, it looks like a seriously huge improvement over the disaster that was Windows 8.
But regardless of how much better Windows 10 is than its predecessor — which, again, was awful — the big question on many minds will be: How does Windows 10 compare to Apple’s OS X?
And, sure, while there are plenty of things that Windows 10 seems to have “borrowed” from OS X — the new notification panel is just like the Notification Center in OS X, and Windows’ Task View is a dead ringer for Apple’s Mission Control — there are a bunch of features in Windows 10 that OS X can’t match. Here are five of the most notable.

1. Scribble on web pages

    5 Things Windows 10 Can Do That Apple’s OS X Can’t                  

Yep, we’re going there: Touchscreens were both a curse and a blessing for Windows 8. When Windows 8 first came out, using a touchscreen on a laptop or desktop felt strange and confusing. But after a while, you came to expect your PC to have a screen that responded to your touch.
Windows 10 is doubling down on touchscreen capabilities by letting you do things like annotate webpages using the new Microsoft Edge Web browser by writing directly on the screen, so long as your computer has a touchscreen display. Once you write on the page, you can save your chicken scratch as an image file or share it with your friends and colleagues.
Oh, and you’ll still be able to play touch-based games like Fruit Ninja.

2. Switch between desktop and tablet


Speaking of touchscreens, Windows 10 will also work much better when used on laptop-tablet hybrids such as the Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga, thanks to its new Continuum Mode.
With Continuum, you’ll be able to use your Surface Pro 3 like a regular Windows 7-style laptop and then automatically switch to the Windows 8-style tablet mode when you disconnect the Surface’s keyboard.
Your Apple friends, on the other hand, will still have to carry around their iPads and MacBooks if they want to have both a tablet and laptop.

3. Search by voice

OK, the concept for Microsoft’s Cortana digital assistant is a pretty big rip-off of Apple’s Siri. But whereas Siri is trapped on the iPhone and iPad, Cortana is coming to your desktop and laptop PC, which means you’ll be able to search the Web and your PC using just your voice.
But Cortana is more than just someone to talk to when you’re lonely: She, er, it will also provide you with weather updates and sports scores, help manage your schedule, and more — all on your desktop, laptop, or laptop-tablet hybrid.

4. Stream Xbox One games

Xbox One and Windows 10 are going to be excellent bedfellows, thanks to Windows 10’s new Xbox One game-streaming. As the name implies, the feature will let you wirelessly stream your Xbox One games directly to your Windows 10 desktop, laptop, or tablet over your home’s Wi-Fi network, so you’ll be able to play Call of Duty,The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt,Sniper Elite 3.. from the comfort of wherever.
But that’s not all Xbox One streaming gets you. It will also let you play multiplayer games with your friends who have an Xbox One from your PC — a feature gamers have wanted for years.

5. Play the hottest games

Of course, like its predecessors, Windows 10 will be the go-to operating system for anyone who wants to play the latest and greatestcomputer games with the best graphics possible. Sure Apple’s App Store offers some game titles. But the selection is nothing like what’s available for Windows. So if you want to be able to play things like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt or Mortal Kombat X,FIFA15,CRYSIS 3 ......... you’re going to need a Windows 10 PC.